Private Healing Sessions
What to Expect
As we begin to examine those situations that ‘push your buttons’ and/or those patterns that hold you back from achieving your goals, we will work with a variety of methods to move you from feeling dis-empowered to stepping into the powerful being that you were always meant to be. From this place of healing and acceptance, you will recreate yourself and your world. Working from the place of power within, you step into the place of creation and begin to create the life of your dreams!
Metaphorically speaking, the events of our lives layer themselves one on top of the other just like the layers of an onion. With each layer that is peeled away through this work, you will begin to discover who you really are. You find that place of your soul’s calling and tap into that place to awaken your deepest dreams and desires. They will no longer elude you… they will BECOME your reality.
We will begin by sitting together and chatting about what is going on in your life at the moment; something that has been a recurring theme throughout your lifetime that has held you back from attaining your desires; or possibly something specific that you want to release, maybe… something that you want to bring into you. No two sessions are alike. I TRUST that whatever shows up is perfect for you that day.
Once we have unveiled exactly what you wish to work on, I will ask you to lie on my massage table, fully clothed. Each session runs from 1 to 1 ½ hours.
I will ask you to relax while I work on the energy surrounding your body. You will be taken on a beautifully relaxing journey at this point in the healing where you are able to let go of all outside forces and just give your body, mind and soul the time and space that it needs in order to begin to heal and relax.
After the treatment, I will explain what I did and answer any questions. Some people feel euphoria after a session; some feel heavy and sad. Sometimes, as with other healing modalities (massage, etc.), you may feel ‘off’ for a few days… with a lack of energy. This is all very normal and should be honored. It is a reminder to you that you are clearing everything that no longer belongs in your life. In a short few days, you will begin to notice an opening… and within a month or so, you will notice dramatic differences… these changes will come upon you so softly that you may not even notice a change at first… until, of course, you look at your life months later and recall your treatment with me!
I suggest regular appointments to begin with, or you may wish to attend my workshops: Shedding Your Past; Clearing Toxic Emotions; Finding the Sweetness in Life; Creating and Manifesting Your Dreams, if you are looking to delve deeper into finding your innermost self. If that is not for you and you want to release a specific symptom, that is perfect… whatever works for you is my deepest desire!
CHILDREN WELCOME! They need our assistance too when dealing with trauma… real or imagined… to a child, it’s one in the same.