
Whether you have been in the alternative healing/energy healing field for years or are new to this line of work, you are invited to join in these experiential workshops… Over the next year, Debbie will teach a series of Energy Medicine workshops. Many of us have spent lifetimes as medicine men and women in many lands and in many cultures. These workshops will help us to remember who we really are.
They will tune us into the energies of the earth, the four directions, the sun, the moon and the stars. It will give us a deeper understanding of ourselves; and will connect us more deeply with our life path. In these workshops, you will learn to recognize signs that are all around you in the natural world and why they show up at the most opportune of times.
Should you decide to take one or all of my weekend retreats, each of the weekend retreats build upon one another and should be taken in the following order:
Shedding Your Past which takes us into our 'stories' our 'myths', the things that we sweep under the carpet because you don't want to deal with them... THIS is where you begin to heal in a safe environment at deeply profound states of being!
Learn how we have become our stories and transition that into becoming the story TELLER so that we no longer play the rolls that were imposed upon us by our family or by the culture that we live in.
Clearing Toxic Emotions is where you tap into your ancestors' lives and learn more about your way of being; it is where you are able to change your destiny line so that you live and die differently from your ancestors. You will work with every emotion that you've ever had or will ever have. This is an amazingly healing class... one that you'll always remember!
You will learn to practice coming into AYNI (right relationship) with your ancestors so that they no longer control any part of your life.
Finding the Sweetness in Life is where you will find the pieces of YOU that have been silenced due to traumatic events: the death of a loved one; a divorce; the loss of a job or career; a terminal illness, etc. In this class, you will begin to re-integrate these pieces and begin to be whole again.
Have you ever felt that the same issues continually come up in your life? Maybe you are unable to fully heal because something's missing? In this class, you'll begin to find the missing piece(s) so that you're better able to bring into you, all the sweetness that life has to offer. You will learn to live from the “beginner’s mind”, that place of fun, joy and laughter - of innocence.... and you'll learn to drink from the sweetest nectar of life, practicing stillness even while in motion.
This will be a weekend full of inner healing and self awareness. You will leave this weekend retreat with the knowledge you'll need in order to move your life in the direction you've always wanted but weren't quite sure how to go about it!
Creating and Manifesting Your Dreams is where you will call into you the life that you've always wanted to live. From this space, you will learn to live from your God brain so that your life becomes a living prayer and all that comes to you is perfect in every way.
Learn how all perception is a projection of an internal map that we carry within us; how that affects our life; and, how we can change it at any time we choose.
These 4 workshops will give you the ability to handle ANY life situation that comes along so that you are ALWAYS living from your best and highest self!

You will begin the journey of self-discovery - of healing from deep within, where you are able to release anything that’s been holding you back in your life. By releasing these toxic situations, these toxic relationships, etc. from your life, doors will begin to open that have never been accessible to you before and you will be free to walk through those doors into the life of your dreams… that new life which has been created from your deepest desires!

Workshop Offerings for 2022
I am thrilled to offer the following classes to you. Many of us have spent lifetimes as medicine men and women in many lands and in many cultures. These workshops will help you to remember who you really are. They will tune you into the energies of the earth and the heavens. These connections will give you a deeper understanding of yourself; and they will anchor you more deeply with your life path. In these classes, you will learn to recognize signs that are all around you in the natural world and why they show up at the most opportune of times.
WEEKEND RETREATS – COST: $485 each class
Shedding Your Past
April 17 – 19
Des Moines, IA
You’ll understand why your present-day actions/relationships/financial/ health issues are predetermined based on your past. This class gives you the opportunity to change all of that! If you decide you want MORE from life, this is this class to begin your healing journey.
Clearing Toxic Emotions
August 28 – 30
Delphi, IN
November 6 - 8
Des Moines, IA
Are you living out the poor me role in life… everything that happens to me is because of somebody else? Or are you always trying to ‘fix’ everybody’s issues – not looking at your own? Maybe you are making life miserable for yourself… for everyone around you? This is an amazingly clearing class where you will begin to step into your own true power.
Finding the Sweetness in Life
June 19 – 21
Delphi, IN
Life is meant to be wonderful and in this class, you’ll begin to become WHOLE again. Have you ever felt that the same issues continually come up in your life? Maybe you are unable to ‘fully’ heal because something’s missing. This is the class where you’ll begin to find the missing piece(s) through journeying and sacred practices so that you’re better able to bring into you, all the sweetness YOUR life has to offer.
Creating and Manifesting Your Dreams
This is the class about death and rebirth: all the old ‘stuff’ has died off or is moving away from you and you are ‘birthing’ a new, abundant life in every way. From this place, your life will become a living prayer… and the best part about it is that… YOU are creating it!
Living and Dying Consciously - 8 hour class – COST: $350
March 14
South Bend, Indiana
This class offers easy to follow steps through the final transition and is designed for all persons involved in the dying process: the individual, family members, and friends. These processes allow us to understand the kind of psychological and emotional closure needed throughout the death process so that when our loved one passes, there are no regrets in the way that they lived their life enabling them to go into the light open and receptive.
Deepening Your Relationships - 3½ hour class - COST: $175
June 27
Delphi, IN
We'll tap into your relationship to self and that of others. You will gain self-acceptance, self-knowledge and self-love. And, you'll learn how to transform individual issues into power so that you're able to give yourself fully to any relationship that you choose as well as to learn how to say no and walk away from people that do not serve your best interests.
Powerful Communication - 3½ hour class - COST: $175
June 27
Delphi, IN
We move deeply into your personal communication style and look at that of others. You will be able to enhance every relationship in your life using the tools that you learn from this enriching course. This class offers a variety of experiential exercises so that you may gain experience with all communication styles. In doing so, you will be ready to handle any situation that comes your way!
Despacho Series - COST: $125
Kuti Despacho
July 17
Delphi, IN
This is a prayer bundle that we place our prayers into so that we may release all that no longer serves us in life...all the heaviness, the sadness, the grief...anything that takes us out of balance.
Ayni Despacho
July 20
Delphi, IN
We’ll put in our prayers, our dreams, our wishes into this gratitude prayer bundle… asking “spirit” to manifest them in ways that we are unable to imagine so that we can step into the life that we’ve always imagined!
Practices and Protections - 3½ hour class – COST: $175
September 26
Delphi, IN
This class will tap into your innate sensory abilities. You’ll learn to protect yourself from the darkness that may be experienced through the outer world and we’ll exercise the power of energetic thought, helping to heal you and your loved ones.
Tools for Anchoring Change & Grief Processes – 3½ hour class – COST: $175
September 26
Delphi, IN
Learn a variety of tools for changing your life and following your soul’s true path as well as to move easily through the grief process. This is a really power-packed course giving you a myriad of healing tools.
Dream Interpretation - 3½ hour class – COST: $175
December 5
Delphi, IN
Class participants will begin by choosing a dream that they have had … possibly a recurring dream; one that has a recurring theme; or a dream that you have had in the past that has stuck with you. I’ll teach you to interpret your dreams in ways that are nothing less than extraordinary!